Campus Crime

In recent times criminal activities in institution of learning from primary schools to higher institution of learning have been an increase. According to the Jeanne Clergy Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, sec 1, a campus crime is any criminal action or emergencies occurring on campus. However, what campus means has been defined in section 6 (1) of the act, as being any building or property owned or controlled by an institution of higher education within the same reasonably proximate geographical area of the institution and used by the very institution for academic purposes; or alternatively properties owned by another person outside an institution, however, used by the institution to further or support the goals and purposes of that institution.

The crime of murder and others listed in section 1, F subsection 1, lists some examples of possible campus crime such as sex offenses; robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; manslaughter; arsons and petty crimes such as students or non-students for arrested for liquor law violations

The act has laid down rules and regulations to curb and control crime action from occurring or is likely to occur within campus as defined by the above act. It takes cognizance of the acts that previously occurred or are likely to occur within legal or constitutional provision to reduce or provide for such illegal actions that threaten the lives and dignity of students and non-students in any institutions of higher learning. For example, a notable example of recent campus crime in Kenya is the murder of a university student by her former boyfriend, a court case yet to be heard and suspect tried according to the law of the land.

The safety and security of person or group of peoples such as students and the campus fraternity starts and ends with the students or the potential culprits. Taking responsibility, following the security and safety measures outlined in the university and other institutions of higher learning, reporting the possible suspects and avoiding taking risks with their lives. For instance, reporting any suspicious acts or omissions in good time; avoiding walking or hanging out in ‘black spot ‘areas alone; entertaining strangers.

Two, the perceived level of security as students and community around the institutions of higher learning greatly enhances the level of security and safety of students and other institution stakeholders. However, great are effective and efficient policies that work to safeguard and protect the lives of everyone on campus.

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