Narrative Essay Topic Ideas - How to Find Something Interesting

Now a narrative essay can be described as the easiest type of essay to write. Some students who hate writing any type of essay would argue with that. But you must know what a narrative essay is all about. In short it’s a story you write about yourself or about your feelings or reaction to something. When people are designing a speech to give in public, one of the best tips is to include a personal anecdote. People in the audience always switch on when a story is being told.

So when you come to writing a narrative essay you could very well be writing a story in which you are the star performer. How easy is that? Alternatively the essay is about a subject in which you have an opinion. Once again, how easy is that?

How to find an interesting narrative essay topic?

Well brainstorming is always a good idea when it comes to looking for ideas and narrative essay topics are no exception. Let’s start with a look at your life in recent times. What adventures have you been involved in in the last few years? Have you been on holiday? Have you been involved in a major public event? Have you been on stage performing in some particular play or show?

Straightaway you have a number of possible scenarios for a narrative essay topic. But if you can’t think of something which you see is interesting which has happened to you in the past, you can always consider what you think of something. This is where your personal opinion becomes the central part of your narrative essay. You want a topic which grabs you so why not look for an event or activity which really appeals to you? Once you find that event or activity, it is so much easier to then turn it into a topic for your narrative essay. Here are some possible events or activities which you might find appealing.

  • The food I always love to eat.
  • If I could be an animal, this is who I would be.
  • If I could be a time traveller, I would go back to the following time.
  • If I could spend $1 million, I would spend it the following way.
  • If there is one invention I could’ve invented, it would be this.
  • The person I most admire most in the world is …

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